How Steel Weld Studs Set Themselves Apart in the World of Welding

There are certain welding materials that are commonplace in nearly every type of welding, and steel is a fan favorite for good reason. At Northland Fastening Systems (NFS), we provide steel weld studs for every occasion. If you’re looking for the perfectly suited steel for your welding contract, we have the goods. The Many Uses Read More…

CD Stud Welding Ensures Quality Results Every Time

There are some industries where the idea of quality can be somewhat subjective. Their quality may be based on interpretation, revenue, or even client reaction. CD (capacitor discharge) stud welding and welding, in general, is, perhaps unsurprisingly, not one such industry. Quality welding isn’t just about appearance; it’s about stability, consistency, and safety. Professional welders Read More…

Selecting the Best Fastening Systems for Your Project

When you’re going into a new welding project, selecting the best tools for the job is the first step of a successful weld. At Northland Fastening Systems (NFS), we live up to our namesake and provide all of the welding fasteners and comprehensive fastening systems you need for any weld. For construction welding, sanitary welding, Read More…

Bar Anchors You Can Trust for Every Type of Welding Job

It’s true that the hero of welding is often the stud-welding guns themselves, but it’s important to remember that a weld is only as good as its weakest component. At Northland Fastening Systems (NFS), we provide welding accessories that can stand up under pressure and make your welding job a success every time. From bar Read More…

Stud Welding Products for Your Welding Projects

Finding the right tools for your weld job can require a bit of trial and error. Maybe your tools are out of date, or perhaps, you don’t have the right materials for the specifications of the weld at hand. If you’re an independent welder or a company owner who provides stud-welding equipment, finding the right Read More…

Food Grade Welding Incorporates Cleaning and Disinfecting in the Process

It’s no secret that food-grade welding is one of the more temperamental welding processes, thanks to its high standards and requirements. But it’s also undeniable that those standards have a purpose and cannot be skirted for the sake of convenience. Northland Fastening Systems (NFS) provides the tools and equipment you need for high-precision sanitary welding, Read More…

Welding Equipment Failures While on the Job

Welders never expect their equipment to fail, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen. Being prepared for work problems is ideal, but unless your welding equipment is pushing 60 and rusty, it’s hard to predict sudden failures. At Northland Fastening Systems (NFS), we provide all the welding gear you need for purchase, or for more Read More…

Benefits of CD Stud Welding

Capacitor discharge (CD) welding has been on the market for decades now, and is undeniably an industry staple. However, longevity isn’t enough to cement a welding technique into the annals of history. What makes CD stud welding so popular so many years after its debut? Northland Fastening System (NFS) provides the welding tools and accessories Read More…

Keeping Your Construction Welding Safe with Fire Prevention Practices

Large-scale welding projects like construction welding aren’t for the faint of heart as a construction site has a lot of moving parts, including busy people and unseen hazards. Operating high-powered equipment in such an environment can lead to project setbacks, fires, and even injuries if safe welding practices aren’t followed to a T. At Northland Read More…

The Many Applications of Structural Steel Welding

Structural steel welding sets itself apart from other welding areas largely due to its scale. In fact, structural steel welding is the literal backbone of modern industrial America. At Northland Fastening Systems (NFS), we provide the tools you need to make the structural welds that keep America running. The Power of Big Industry Structural steel Read More…