Welding Equipment Failures While on the Job

Welders never expect their equipment to fail, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen. Being prepared for work problems is ideal, but unless your welding equipment is pushing 60 and rusty, it’s hard to predict sudden failures. At Northland Fastening Systems (NFS), we provide all the welding gear you need for purchase, or for more flexible needs, for rent. Equipment failures may be tough to predict, but you can be ready for them with NFS’s rentable equipment and a team that knows the inherent risks that come with welding.

Safety-First Failure Routines

Safety is, of course, the highest priority when equipment failures inevitably happen. While deadlines are always looming, you should never try and continue a weld if your welding equipment isn’t behaving correctly. Even a small discrepancy can be enough to lead to faulty fastenings, or in severe cases, actual injuries. Clearing the site of hazards and stowing the damaged gear safely is always the top priority. After that, the replacement hunt can begin.

How to Get Quality Welding Equipment on Short Notice

Depending on the job in question, it might be easy enough to grab another stud gun or power supply, but more often than not, you’ll need to find a longer-term replacement for the failed gear. Whether you’re a company manager or independent contractor, this can be a major setback depending on budget constraints. With that in mind, NFS offers rentable equipment to help bridge the gap or support your project all the way to the end.

Our rentable equipment is always top-line, in excellent condition, and ready for use immediately on arrival. At NFS, we understand that it’s important to have access to high-quality welding equipment on a moment’s notice. In the event of unexpected welding equipment failures, our team has your back.

Professional welders can reach out to NFS at (651) 730-7770 or find out more by visiting our website here. A welding equipment failure could be a major project setback, but with our support, it never has to be.

Benefits of CD Stud Welding

Capacitor discharge (CD) welding has been on the market for decades now, and is undeniably an industry staple. However, longevity isn’t enough to cement a welding technique into the annals of history. What makes CD stud welding so popular so many years after its debut? Northland Fastening System (NFS) provides the welding tools and accessories you need to keep the tradition of CD stud welding going, but we also encourage individuals new to professional welding to familiarize themselves with the benefits of this industry powerhouse.

Smaller Size and Easy Handling

CD stud welding is a low-voltage process that doesn’t need a lot of heavy tooling to make it work. In fact, it’s one of the more portable and easy-to-use welding techniques out there. But low voltage doesn’t mean “low power.” While welding might appear more niche than other professional welding techniques, it still gets the job done. All professional welding techniques require adequate training, but for new professional welders, CD stud welding is an excellent entry point.

CD Stud Welding Is Fast and Efficient

Along with being relatively simple and portable, welding is also fast— since the bond occurs so rapidly, it’s easy to complete a lot of welds on a short timeline. Whether you have a lot of welds to complete or a short timeline to work with, welding can complete a bond in an instant and have you moving on to your next project.

Well Suited for Thin and Delicate Materials

That low voltage and size also comes with the benefit of not overloading thin materials. Whereas more intense professional welding methods can warp, distort, or bend thin surfaces,  welding is the perfect solution for less hardy base compositions.

Sometimes a welding method stays in an industry simply because it’s been around, but we keep CD welding around because it works. Everything you need for the tried-and-true CD stud welding option is available at NFS. If you need accessories, power supplies, or any other materials to support your professional welding needs, call (651) 730-7770 or visit our website here today.

Keeping Your Construction Welding Safe with Fire Prevention Practices

Large-scale welding projects like construction welding aren’t for the faint of heart as a construction site has a lot of moving parts, including busy people and unseen hazards. Operating high-powered equipment in such an environment can lead to project setbacks, fires, and even injuries if safe welding practices aren’t followed to a T. At Northland Fastening Systems (NFS), we provide the high-quality equipment and gear you need to get your welds done right. After you’ve got the gear in hand, be sure to always be mindful and maintain steady routines that keep you and your site as safe as possible.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and Personal Safety Gear

It’s impossible to entirely avoid heat while welding, but heat and fire safety are two different animals. No matter where your welding job is happening, it’s vital to ensure that your body is protected. This means wearing gloves, face and eye protection, respirators, and nonflammable clothing. Most of these safe welding practices are second nature to professional welders, but construction welding literally puts you in the line of fire.

Along with the general hazards that come with welding, working at a live construction site amplifies all of those dangers significantly. More people on site, more movement, and less consistency if your environment can all lead to safety mishaps. Never skimp on the PPE and dial your safe welding practices up to 11.

Construction Welding and Environmental Hazards

Fire safety for welding is all about spatial awareness. Before any welding begins, the area around the work site should be checked and rechecked for flammable materials, individuals lacking PPE, and the nearest fire extinguisher. Having the area around you mapped out will ensure that emergency situations can be responded to quickly and efficiently. As basic as it seems, construction welding is all about keeping your area clean, removing all loose cables, shrapnel, piles of dust, or anything else that can catch a spark.

If your equipment isn’t up to the standard of safe construction welding practices, NFS can help. Safety-conscious welders can reach out at (651) 730-7770 or visit our website here to find out more information about our rentable and purchasable welding gear.