Since the beginning of the 20th century, stud welding began to be used more prevalently throughout industries beyond its original applications in shipbuilding. The several wars that the United States and much of the rest of the world faced also played a large role in the expanded use of strong, fast connecting systems like stud Read More…
How New Technology and Better Stud Welding Products Make Industry More Sustainable
Heavy-Duty Construction Equipment Built with Arc Stud Welding
Stud welding is used to build ships, infrastructure, commercial, residential, and industrial buildings, electrical equipment, food production equipment, and much more. Another industry where drawn arc and capacitor discharge stud welding operations are used extensively is vehicle manufacturing. Personal cars, commercial vehicles, and many types of industrial vehicles are all built with stud welding at Read More…
Why the Stud Welding Process Speeds Up Production
Welding operations of all kinds are used across industries in many capacities, from forge welding to plastic welding. While there are four to seven main types of metal welding, depending on the application and industry, within those groups there are many more variations. In the category of stud welding, there are at least three main Read More…
Building Complex Sanitary Conveyor Systems with Food Grade Welding
The global food industry is one of the largest economic systems in the world. Its success relies on intricate webs of distribution lines. With a world population of almost 8 billion people, the demands on the food industry to support access to everything from safe, nutritious foods to international delicacies are immense. When it comes Read More…
Types of Ferrules and Their Applications with Drawn Arc Welding
As a broad category of manufacturing operations, stud welding has many applications. Even within the stud welding classification, there are various kinds of operations with specific applications and capabilities. Capacitor discharge stud welding, for example, is a rapid, lightweight weld best for studs with diameters under 3/8”. However, CD welding is extremely useful for quick, Read More…
Highlighting Our Video Resources for Stud Welding Equipment
Northland Fastening Systems provides a complete supply of stud welding equipment to the construction and industrial markets, including tools for rent or purchase, studs in a wide range of dimensions, custom stud options, welding accessories, maintenance and repairs, and the expert advice of our own welding technicians. Stud Welding Equipment To provide some technical support Read More…
Thru-Decking Procedures for Structural Steel Welding
Drawn arc stud welding operations are used extensively in the construction industry. Not only do drawn arc studs function as fastening systems for sheet metal fabrication, construction equipment manufacturing, and structural steel manufacturing, they are also used to build large-scale infrastructure with composite building. With drawn arc shear connectors, bar anchors, and other studs, manufacturers Read More…
Building Stainless Steel Furniture with Food Grade Welding
One of the reasons why stud welding is such a prolific manufacturing operation is its versatility. Stud welding can be used to form powerful fastening systems for a variety of materials, including composite construction for bridges and other important infrastructure. Composite construction combines concrete and steel into a strong material that can resist enormous amounts Read More…
Building Class A Crafts to Small Research Vessels and Other Small Boats with Stud Fastening Systems
Stud welding is a widespread manufacturing operation today thanks to the powerful, fast, versatile, and clean results it provides. The first uses of stud applications with drawn arc welding began in the shipbuilding industry. During WWI, the rapidly increasing demand for military and seaworthy ships gave rise to the development of better stud welding technology. Read More…
Commercial and Industrial Projects Built with Drawn Arc Welding
Northland Fastening Systems supplies a complete range of products for stud welding manufacturers working at all sizes for drawn arc, capacitor discharge (CD), and short cycle operations. Not only do we offer tools for rent or purchase, studs in all dimensions, and welding accessories; we also provide repair services for most models and the advice Read More…