Stud welding is an operation that many industries utilize because of its diverse benefits to a wide range of production processes. While drawn arc stud welding is key for heavy-duty studs, load-bearing composite building, and other large-scale construction, CD stud welding has an equal frequency of use in different types of construction. If you’re Read More…
Avoiding Common Defects with CD Stud Welding
Glossary of Terms for Stud Welding
For any builders, fabricators, or manufacturers who are just beginning to use stud welding operations as a tool in their work, there is a lot to learn. While stud welding appears to be a relatively simple, straightforward operation, there are many complexities about the varying types of processes. At Northland Fastening Systems, we offer a Read More…
Application of Shear Connectors in Thru-Deck Stud Welding
Stud welding is a versatile process with many industrial applications. While stud welding is often primarily used in exterior or visible interior installations, it is also a key operation for large-scale construction. Shear connectors and other anchor bar systems provide necessary strengthening of a structure and critical support against stresses. If you are fabricating a Read More…
What Do Nelson® Studs, Jet Skis, and Chapstick Have in Common?
Nelson® Studs manufactures and supplies headed anchor and shear connector studs. What could they possibly have in common with jet skis and chapstick? Consider this: when one of our customers calls us and needs headed anchors or shear connectors, they often simply ask for Nelson® studs. It seems that Nelson® studs have become Read More…
Uses and Benefits of Automated Stud Welding Equipment
Stud welding is a relatively new manufacturing operation in comparison with other welding formats that have been used as far back as the Bronze Age. Since its beginnings in the Industrial Revolution and its rise in popularity for shipbuilding in WWII, stud welding has rapidly advanced technologically. Today, stud welding is used for a broad Read More…
Installing Insulation Sheeting Using Welding Studs
The use of various forms of insulation is extremely prevalent across industries. Not only is insulation used to control temperatures inside buildings and protect pipes from freezing in cold winter months, it’s also used extensively in many other applications. This includes everything from thermal power stations to electrical systems, mechanical systems, climate-controlled warehousing, fireproofing, automobiles, Read More…
General Applications of Drawn Arc and CD Stud Welding
Stud welding is one of the most versatile manufacturing operations for small to large scale construction. Though it was originally developed for use in shipbuilding of various types of vessels, it has grown in application to be used in many manufacturing industries worldwide. Its use in so many industries has helped to streamline and speed Read More…
Troubleshooting Connection Points for CD Stud Welding
While CD stud welding is a fairly simple process to the outside observer, the science, physics, and engineering behind it are complex. Very specific temperatures and times must be applied to the stud and weld surface for a connection point to be successful. When performed correctly, in fact, a CD stud weld connection point will Read More…
Benefits of ISO 9001:2015 Certification for Providers of Stud Welding Supplies and Services
Northland Fastening Systems is a provider of high-quality stud welding tools, supplies, and accessories for a comprehensive range of stud welding applications. We offer studs in all dimensions, and we can provide custom studs on request. Our welding units are available for rent or purchase, and our welding accessories meet a wide variety of needs Read More…
Specifics of Sanitary Food Grade Welding
Welding of all kinds plays a large role in commercial-grade food equipment. From the shelving units used to store fresh, frozen, and dry foods to stoves and ovens used daily, welding operations are used in the manufacturing process. Stud welding, in particular, is a commonly used manufacturing technique for many types of equipment used in Read More…