Troubleshooting Connection Points for CD Stud Welding

While CD stud welding is a fairly simple process to the outside observer, the science, physics, and engineering behind it are complex. Very specific temperatures and times must be applied to the stud and weld surface for a connection point to be successful. When performed correctly, in fact, a CD stud weld connection point will be stronger than the stud itself. To help you get the job done quickly and efficiently with quality results, Northland Fastening Systems (NFS) provides comprehensive stud welding supplies and services, including welding studs of varying dimensions and thread sizing, stud welding tools for rent and purchase, and a variety of welding accessories for CD stud welding.


NFS technical service and stud welding tool manufacturers provide rich information about the calibration of stud weld equipment and the pairing of welding materials. However, if you are having difficulties calibrating your equipment and are seeing poor results, there are basic troubleshooting procedures you can easily perform.


For example, troubleshooting a poor weld connection starts with testing for weld failure.


Weld Failure

A successful stud weld connection point is stronger than the stud itself. Because of this, placing stress on both the stud and connection point at the same time to the point of failure can tell you the condition and accuracy of the weld. Ideally, the stud will fail before the weld point because it should be weaker (as seen at 2:18 in our demonstration of the HBS Visar 650). If the weld connection fails at all, the weld connection was unsuccessful. This failure could occur for several reasons, including:


  • Cold Weld: CD stud welding procedures have to meet a specific temperature and that temperature has to be applied for a specific period of time. The temperatures and times vary depending on the size and material of the stud as well as the weld surface material. It becomes very clear, however, that a weld was too cold (too low of a temperature, too short of a weld time, or both) if it fails in a stress test. Visually, you can also see if a weld was too cold if the melted area around the stud isn’t an acceptable 360º deep radius.


  • Hot Weld: A weld connection point can also fail because of a hot weld if the time or temperature are applied in excess (or if excess heat is applied very quickly). The most obvious sign of a hot weld is a burn-through, which manifests as any distortion to the reverse side of the base material. Even the slightest distortion can compromise the quality of a weld. Another sign of less dramatic hot welds is the splash size of the stud around its base at the weld point. A wide or messy splash of cooled molten metal are a common sign of a hot weld that will fail under stress.


To learn more about the potential failures and troubleshooting CD stud welding, contact NFS at (651) 730-7770 or request a quote online today.