Local Contaminants to be Aware of When Using Stud Welding Fastening Systems

Northland Fastening Systems provides supplies for operators using stud welding worldwide. From small shops to manufacturing plants and large construction sites, we supply tools for rent or purchase, studs in a complete range of dimensions, custom stud options, welding accessories, and the expertise of our welding technician staff. For drawn arc, capacitor discharge, and short cycle stud welding processes, NFS can provide everything you need to get the job done. If you’re working with stud welding fastening systems, it’s important to be aware of the potential problems that can be caused by a weld site’s exposure to local contaminants.

The most common issues welders face with local contaminants includes the following:

  • External gases: In many welding applications, shielding gas is a critical component of the process to protect the connection point from external gases that exist naturally around us. Exposure to prevalent gases like oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide around a welding site can cause porous, brittle connections. The use of shielding gases like argon or helium will create a protective bubble around the weld point, lending to stronger fastening systems.
  • Cold: While it’s not typically an issue, extreme temperatures can cause problems with stud welding fastening systems. Because welds will cool much quicker in cold weather than other more temperate conditions, cracking can occur with the shock of that temperature drop. Also, because the rest of a metal welding surface is typically much colder than the weld point, warping is also a potential issue. The easiest way to prevent these problems when welding in cold weather is to preheat a large area on your welding surface.
  • Particulates: Dust and other surface contaminants are one of the most significant concerns for welders using stud fastening systems. Particulates blown into a weld point can create a poor connection that is brittle or porous. Creating barriers outside and keeping your indoor welding spaces clean can solve many issues that dust causes.
  • Moisture: Humidity or other sources of moisture can cause issues for welders like corrosion on machines or damages to electrical systems. In severe cases, moisture can short circuit welding units and pose significant danger to operators and other workers. Keeping tools stored in dry, covered areas and maintaining a dry workspace solves many moisture issues.

There are other issues to be aware of such as tool maintenance, welding calibrations, material compatibility, and many additional aspects of the welding process, but these are the most common problems that operators face from contamination of a weld. NFS technicians can provide advice and guidance for working through any issues and equipment specifications you may need.

To learn more about stud weld fastening systems and our supplies and services, contact Northland Fastening Systems at (651) 730-7770 today or request a quote online.