Types of Ferrules and Their Applications with Drawn Arc Welding

As a broad category of manufacturing operations, stud welding has many applications. Even within the stud welding classification, there are various kinds of operations with specific applications and capabilities. Capacitor discharge stud welding, for example, is a rapid, lightweight weld best for studs with diameters under 3/8”. However, CD welding is extremely useful for quick, clean, and strong welds of smaller studs for a greater range of materials than other types of stud welding. Drawn arc welding, on the other hand, uses larger diameter studs for heavy industrial purposes and composite construction. No matter what kind of studs and applications you work with, Northland Fastening Systems has the tools, studs, accessories, and any other supplies you need. We also provide tool repair and maintenance for most models, and our own stud welding technicians offer expert advice for any project.

Drawn Arc Welding

If you’re working with drawn arc welding operations, you’re likely using ceramic ferrules. Ferrules are attached around the tip of the stud and control the flow of molten metal as the weld is performed. When a successful weld is completed, ferrules are quickly and cleanly removed with a hammer.


These ferrules are critical components of drawn arc stud fastening systems. Some common types of ferrules include:

  • Flat ferrule: These ferrules are some of the most commonly used standard ferrule types. They are used when welding to a horizontal, flat surface such as sheet metal and beams. Standard flat ferrules come in a range of diameters, thread specifications, profiles, and fillets.
  • Vertical ferrule: Vertical ferrules are another standard ferrule type with specifications that are similar to flat ferrules. The main difference is that these are used when welding on a vertical surface. A vertical ferrule has a ring of half-teeth and half-solid ceramics to prevent molten metal from spilling through the teeth on the bottom while the weld is being performed.
  • Inside angle ferrule: Angled ferrules are used to install studs at varying angles, determined by the ferrule shape. Standard inside angle ferrules are typically used to install studs at a 90º angle.
  • Outside angle ferrule: These ferrules are used to contain molten metal and install studs on the opposite side of inside angle ferrules.
  • Side angle ferrule: Like inside angle ferrules, side angle ferrules are used to install studs at specific degrees. Side angles are almost always used to install studs at 45º.
  • Thru-hole decking ferrule: Studs that will be installed through decking to a steel beam use thru-hole decking ferrules with teeth wider than most standard ferrules. The wider space between ferrule teeth allows for more shielding gas and atmospheric exposure to create a hotter weld.
  • Specialty ferrules: There are many types of specialty ferrules, from aluminum welding ferrules to hydraulic port ferrules. A variety of more frequently-used specialty ferrules include radius, reduced base, thru-bore, rectangular, and square ferrules.

To learn more about ferrules and drawn arc welding, contact Northland Fastening Systems at (651) 730-7770 or request a quote online to get started with us today.